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8 CrossFit Exercises You Can Do At Home With No Equipment

CrossFit Exercises You Can Do At Home With No Equipment

CrossFit is incredibly popular with thousands performing it on a weekly basis, and while it is undoubtedly a good way to get fit it isn’t always possible to visit your local CrossFit box.

So, what can you do if you are too busy to visit your local box? Is there a way to perform CrossFit at home, without any equipment?

Let’s look at some CrossFit exercises you can do at home with no equipment.[toc]

Exercise #1: Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a plyometric exercise that works many of your bodies muscles. It is both a cardio exercise as well as a resistance one.

To perform a jumping jack you should stand with your legs together, with your arms at your side.

Next, bend your knees slightly and jump into the air.

As you jump you should spread your legs until they are shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be stretched out and over your head.

Finally, jump back to your starting position for a single rep.

Exercise #2: Burpee

The burpee is a full-body movement that works for just about every major muscle group.

To perform a burpee you should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your weight in your heels and your arms at your sides.

Next, push your hips back, bending your knees and lowering your body into a squat position.

You will then place your hands onto the floor directly in front of you, just inside your feet. Your weight should shift from your heels to your hands.

Jump back so your feet land softly, landing on the balls of your feet in a plank position. You should aim to have your body in a straight line from head to heels. If possible try not to let your back drop, or to have your butt up in the air.

Jump your feet back so that they are just outside your hands before standing back up. Once upright, reach your arms above your head and explosively jump into the air.

Once you have landed immediately drop back into the squat position ready for the next rep.

Exercise #3: Bodyweight Squat

If you want a strong lower body then you need to ensure you are performing squats.

It is also important that you perform them with good form, as poor form will lead to injury.

When performing a bodyweight squat correctly you should stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Your toes should be turned slightly outward, with your core engaged.

Inhale, and drop into the squat position by first unhinging your hips. You should aim to drop so that your thighs are parallel or almost parallel to the floor.

If your heels start to raise off the floor, or if your torso starts to round forward then it is best to stop too.

Once you have reached parallel, or as close to parallel as you can. You should exhale and return to the starting position. This can be done by pressing into the middle of your foot and straightening your legs.

Exercise #4: Squat Jump

This is very similar to the bodyweight squat, however, once you have reached parallel you are going to engage your core and jump explosively.

When you land you will immediately lower into the squat position ready for the next repetition.

Exercise #5: Lunge

This exercise is perfect for working your legs and butt.

To perform this exercise with good form and to avoid injury you should try to keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed. You should try to keep your core engaged throughout the movement, with your chin up.

Start by standing with your legs shoulder-width apart, then step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

You should aim to have your front knee directly above the ankle. It should not be pushed out too far. Your other knee should not touch the floor.

When returning to the starting position you should push up keeping your weight in your heels.

Exercise #6: Push-Up

You may think that a push-up is just an upper body exercise, but this is not strictly true.

If performed correctly then a push-up can work your upper body and your core too.

To perform a push-up correctly you should think of it as a moving plank. Start with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower towards the ground by bending your elbows until they reach a 45-degree angle.

Once you have reached this angle you can push back up to the starting position.

You should try to keep your core engaged through the duration of the movement.

Exercise #7: Mountain Climbers

This is a popular exercise and is used to help strengthen the core, improve conditioning and to burn calories.

To perform this exercise you will start in a push-up position with your hands under your shoulders, your back flat and your core engaged. Your body should be in a straight line as if you were performing a plank.

Keep one leg still, and drive your other leg up towards your chest, touching your toes to the ground.

Return to the starting position and then perform the same movement with the opposing leg.

Once both legs have performed this movement you have completed one repetition.

Exercise #8: Sit-Up/Crunches

Both of these exercises are good for your core, which means they are important as they help to prevent injuries to your back. A common issue with those that lift, or those who spend a lot of their time sitting.

To perform a sit-up you should start by laying down on your back. Next, bend your legs and place your feet firmly on the ground for stabilisation.

You can either place your hands across your chest with your hands placed on the opposite shoulder, or you can place your hands behind your ears. If you choose to place your hands by your ears then you should try to avoid pulling on your neck.

The next thing you should do is to curl your body all the way up towards your knees, exhaling as you lift (for crunches you are not going all the way up, just a few inches off the ground will suffice).

Once you have reached the top you will slowly lower yourself back to the starting point, making sure to exhale on the way down.

Example Workouts To Do At Home

Using the above exercises you may want to consider the following types of workout:

Workout #1: Bodyweight Triplet

For this first workout, you will be choosing three exercises, which you will perform 12 reps as quickly as possible.

You will be completing 7 sets of each exercise with a short rest between sets.

Workout #2: Descending Ladder

For this workout, you should pick 2/3 exercises. You will then perform 50 of each exercise, then 40 of each, 30 of each, 20 of each, and finally 10 of each.

You should take a short rest between sets.

Workout #3: AMRAP

AMRAP means as many rounds (or reps) as possible.

So for this workout, you will be choosing 4/5 exercises and create your own circuit.

You will then set a clock for 20 or 30 minutes and attempt to complete as many reps and sets within this timeframe.

Equipment You May Want To Consider

While this article shows that you can get an effective workout done using purely bodyweight movements there is some equipment that you may want to consider that will add to your routine.

For example, I would highly recommend adding a kettlebell or two. This will allow you to add many other exercises to your regime.

A pair of dumbbells would also be a good idea, as well as a pull-up bar. If space allows you may want to consider buying a box to perform box jumps, although you can use a bench or sturdy chair for this particular exercise.

In Conclusion

As you can see it is possible to get a good workout at home without having to visit your local CrossFit box.

This means that even when you are particularly busy there are no excuses not to get a workout in.

If you have any additional CrossFit exercises you can perform at home without equipment that you would recommend then please suggest them below using the comment form provided.

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